Saturday, December 29, 2012

Start of Something New.

Yes, I have abandoned my old blog & now creating a new blog. I used to hate people who create another new blog again and again when they actually already have their own blog. But this time, I create this just because I want to throw away everything from my past and start something new. 2012 is ending & 2013 is on the path now, I can't live in the past anymore, memories are only be allowed to keep in the heart and not revealing it to myself almost everyday, that's such a suffer.

And what I've planned for next year? Firstly, be cheerful. Among everything, happiness would be the most important essence in our life, without happiness we don't even really need to live a life. Life is a process to find the way to be cheerful under any situation and any problems. Things can be solved more easily with a cheerful heart which thinks everything is good. You can't feel the magic of life when we don't have gratitude. :"Whoever has gratitude will be given more, and he or she will have an abundance. Whoever does not have gratitude, even what he or she has will be taken from him or her." These sentences are found from a book named Magic when I was reading books in the times book store, and it did inspire me. Actually it was a translation from a Bible's verse, even the Koran has few sentences related to the same topic. I believe in this, and why don't you?

So secondly, keep friends. Yeah keep friends, stop exceeding the limit. I meant not to have any relationships more than friendship. This year I've hurt people and I've been regretful and that's enough. As a student, especially me a student who wants to focus on my studies, I guess friends are all enough for me. I know no wonder how many relationships I've started it doesn't last long and dad will never allow. And I hate to be controlled also, so that's all.

Thirdly, stop gossiping! I'm such a worse human being, since I really gossip a lot. I guess I started this habit from last year, when all the friends around me began to gossip and talk bad about the others like so abundantly. I used to be a mediator when I was in the primary school, no argues no misunderstandings. Just because we don't gossip, we just tell them straight away when they did something really offended me or something very unpleasant. And after telling them, everything goes rightly on their way. That's why there were only happiness and peacefulness in my life by that time. But sometimes I can control myself, but I can't control the others' mouths. This is the hardest part to cease the habit of gossiping. Because the other friends will gossip in front of me and tempt me to do it also....... So yea, I have to stop them too? Good idea but I'm not that brave kind of person. Oh yeah, I should just quite when they gossip? Okay, last decision would be telling them not to do so and if they don't listen then I will quit. I don't want to get into so many conflicts like last year anymore.

Forth, save money. People who knows me well would know that I'm a person who wishes to travel around the world after I graduated. I even wish that I can study at overseas. And of course, going overseas need currency. So I really have to save my own money. I used to save money since I was kinda small but because of some issues they were all gone...... so I have to start from zero. So this is one of the reason why I said start of something new. Money is very important, it can either build happy family or destroy it completely.

Fifth, my studies. Actually I should've already mentioned about it earlier but I forgot. It's in the fifth category but it doesn't mean that it isn't that important. It's super important. Just as I mentioned that I have to save money for further education or travelling, it already proved that studies is very important to me also. I can say that studying is one of my most outstanding talent. I don't really have more talents, so I guess studying is actually the only talent which I can be proud of myself. But, studies doesn't only limited within the knowledge we gain from school. I have to study/learn other skills also. All I want is to learn a new talent or skill by this year. Maybe cooking, baking, designing, dancing or singing? Whatever but I prefer dancing and singing. I love them to the max.

Sixth, growing taller and losing weight. Maybe you think that I'm thin enough, but seriously I have to tell you thirty-eight kilograms are too much for my height. So I'll either grow taller or losing weight to get a balance. For my height, actually my standard weight would be thirty-one, so I'm seven kilograms heavier. Growing taller is harder for me, but I would like to try by doing more exercises after school. Planning to go for gym after school, and badminton also. Exercises can both losing our weight or get us to grow taller!

The seventh I would like to improve is something about my family, and it's the last target of the year. This target is very hard to explain cause it's too deep and too......spiritually? I don't know, but I just have to improve something, which related to my family. Playing my role nicely? Finish all my houseworks without complaining? Stop thinking about something I can't get and wait for the right time? Agh this is something I've to figure out by myself throughout the year.

So everybody, hope that I can share every little things or opinions of my life to you and wish that we'll have a good time together. ^^

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